The Podium

Some critical theory, some public discourse, and some general nerdiness.
Monday, October 29, 2007
In regards to power, there is the important question as to why people would accept their own domination in fascist regimes. Even in revolutions where a state is overthrown to fulfill class interests, there is the ignoring of deeper interests of desire which result in a perpetuation of a structure of domination. A true revolution that does not replicate the previous regime must be willing to change all aspects of the system to express desire and not just the interests of a social or economic class.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Both Ludwig Wittgenstein and Ernst Cassirer dealt with how language affects meaning in specific ways. Wittgenstein developed the idea that language is a matter of following various rules to achieve specific ends, while Cassirer developed the idea that language allows a process of symbolic forms that are independent of reality. Language moves from the direct relationship with reality as expressed by nouns into logical relationships expressed by verbs, and eventually the designations of "here and there" as well as "this and that" allow for the more abstract designation of subject and object.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Mikhail Bahktin contributed greatly to literary criticism and can be considered a philosopher in his work on meaning. He especially explored the ability for a text to incorporate various structures of expressing meaning such as the form of the novel.

Saturday, October 13, 2007
"Ulysses" by James Joyce is an interesting and complicated work of modern fiction. Here is a site that summarizes the plot of the novel in a way that also parodies the various "For Dummies" books. Knowing the plot before reading the novel can allow one to appreciate the style of the work as art.


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