The Podium

Some critical theory, some public discourse, and some general nerdiness.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
This political cartoon, from a very insightful cartoonist, shows how the use of military force in Libya is just as invalid as the war in Iraq. It also demonstrates that all the accusations of Obama being a socialist are unfounded, and that the reality is that his administration is a continuation of the Bush administration.

Sunday, March 13, 2011
Here is a great short film that illustrates the existence of mathematics in nature. The film clearly displays how mathematical principles are behind the inherent beauty of nature.

Monday, March 07, 2011
Even though the new Republican majority in Congress has pledged to repeal the insurance mandate, it it important to remember the fact that the current healthcare law benefits insurance companies rather than dealing with the lack of coverage for many Americans. Here is a concise reminder of what a real universal single-payer healthcare system would mean.


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