The Podium

Some critical theory, some public discourse, and some general nerdiness.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
The issue of equality requires the clarification of the difference between power and consumption. An equality of power is one where those who are affected by social structures have the ability to control those structures. An equality of consumption assumes that everyone makes use of the social structure equally. In an equality of power, rewards for merit are possible, but are naturally limited by the direct and democratic control of participants. A more authentic equality would be a redistribution of power rather than a mere redistribution of wealth.

Saturday, August 13, 2011
In Britain, there is a new form of business organization called a limited liability partnership that can allow for the formation of open capital partnerships. In contrast, in the United States an open capital partnership is made possible through a variation of the community land trust. In both cases, an open capital partnership bridges the gap between workers and owners by allowing everyone who contracts with the business to be a shareholder in the business. All exchanges of goods, services, and money would occur within the enterprise without any conflict or competition of goals.


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